The Other Stream

Uses for Storage Units

It’s hard to miss the boom storage companies are currently experiencing in the UK. On the fringes of most towns, and wherever cheap land can be bought in cities, the industry just keeps growing. Whether they’re shiny new builds or old, repurposed industrial buildings, you can’t seem to escape storage firms.

It’s clear that demand is riding high for these companies, but unless you’re using one yourself it might not be clear why. Today we’re looking at some different uses for storage units to inspire you and maybe make you realise that yes, you do need a storage unit, today!

The Student

Student storage is experiencing no less a boom than adult and business storage, and it’s not hard to see why. Many students can’t easily take everything they own home with them in long summer holidays, and with student housing built around the understanding that no one will be resident in July and August, lots of people are finding themselves with a problem to solve. Filling a storage unit with textbooks, cloths and furniture means students can relax and enjoy the summer, knowing their important possessions will be secure and waiting for them when they get back!

The Collector

You don’t have to be a classic geek to be a big collector. While lots of people think of collections as built out of comic books, mint condition action figures and classic toys, that’s neither the beginning nor end of the story. A wine cellar is nothing if not a collection, as is a library and even, from a point of view, a garden.

The one thing these collections all need is space, and storage units can provide that, directly or indirectly. Where suitable, you might be able to hire a storage unit to house your collection – and specialist facilities exist to cater to the needs of those trying to store wine, for example. Another option is to empty a spare room, garage or even simply a cupboard into a storage unit and convert that to house your collection!

The Stressed Mover

When you’re moving house, moving day itself is one of the most difficult days. There’s simply so much to do! You can use storage to create a buffer for yourself and cut down the stress: move some of your most awkward, bulky furniture into storage the week before you move and then on the day itself you can just shift the essentials and retrieve less convenient items when the time is right!

These are only  few of the ways you can use storage to make your life a little easier – start looking for local storage companies today!