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Auto-Guide: Iceland All Around

Iceland is a unique and exciting place. This article helps you to make your trip to Reykjavik through Iceland maximum comfortable and interesting.

Travel Tips

What are you going to do in Iceland? As a rule, you must be ready to drive your car, walk to see the variety of exciting landscapes. You want to see Reykjavik, but you do not want to spend your journey in the touristic bus. It is much better to meet real adventures, interesting landscapes and romantic views of Iceland. There is nothing better than travelling by car. You can hire a car in Reykjavik and use it to travel all over the country.

Iceland Ring-Road

If you want to see the bigger part of the country, you should go over the ring-road. It takes about 17 hours to go over there. As a rule, it is better to spend 8-10 days for your car trip, including all places that you want to make stop and take photoes.


There are many factors that make influence to your decision. It is all about weather, north light and tourists. The hot season in Iceland goes from June till August. There are also many tourists, who come in May or September.


Coming to Reykjavik in the hot season you meet comfortable weather. Do not forget that the weather is rather changeable in Iceland. It can be hot the half of the day and unexpected cold rain in the evening. Looking for fantastic snowy landscapes and north lights, you should come in winter. Nevertheless, be ready to stem difficulties – the most of roads are not-go.

Road Conditions

Iceland ring-road welcomes you the year round. There are many track roads that are closed in the period of snowfall or volcanic activity. The roads are opened in the hot season. If you want to see the quiet corners of Iceland, it is better to come here in May-August.


Iceland is a country where you need to take a couple of Must Have things. Of course, they are warm clothes, sun glasses, toiletry and other gadgets that make your trip easy and comfortable.


GPS navigator is in your full disposal! If you do not trust to GPS-navigator, you can buy map. As you know, map is your first and important helper, whenever you go. The map includes all country roads. What a nice souvenir! It is better to use both of these gadgets for not to miss something interesting or important.

Clothes and Equipment

Everyone should mind their own business about what clothes to wear and take with you in your journey. Just remember one rule: layer by layer. You should dress in many layers of clothes to keep warm in rain and wind. If you are hot, you can always take something off.


It is really surprising, but you do not need cash in Iceland. All restaurants, shops and gas stations take cash. Everywhere in Iceland, even in the small villages take cash. You can spend your vacation without using money. Of course, it is better to have a couple of notes for future use.

Suitcase or Backpack

Your choice depends on how long your trip is. If you are going to walk all the time and sleep in your car, but not in the hotel, it is better to use backpack. If you want to live in the hotels, you may use suitcase.


There is a great amount of hotels and hostels along the ring-road. They are full of guests in the hot season. So, it is better to plan your trip and book hostel beforehand. There is one more question: what to choose, camping or hostel? Both of these variants are acceptable.


There is mass of things that you Must Do in Iceland. Of course, the big part of your time you can spend for new things, city sights, new events and interesting places that you can face by a chance. Nevertheless, it is better to plane your trip beforehand. Try to ask experienced tourists about this.

Helicopter’s Sights

Of course, it is not a cheap adventure, but it is really cool. If you have a dream to ride a big shiny helicopter, it is better to do it in Iceland. Planning your tour, you should pay attention to weather. Try to make your helicopter adventure in the last day. What an impressive and memorable final!


Do not spend the whole day in your car. Look around! There are many beautiful places that impress you a lot. This is the sense of your trip. One of them is Skatfell. This is a good route for walking. You may try another variant – Hornstrandir. It is unforgettable! There are many other interesting events in Iceland. Actually, they are diving, horse riding, off-roaders, and plane flights. Try to spend about 30% of your time actively, for fun and adventures.

Food in Reykjavik

Many people think that food in Iceland is not tasty. There is nothing to eat, except hot-dogs. That is not true. Local cuisine is really good and interesting. If you are going to have meal on gas stations, the food is standard. Want something special? You should visit local restaurants and cafes. Actually, it is not a problem to find something worthy to eat in Reykjavik and on the go. The food is high quality. Do not forget that Iceland is full of out-of-the world sports, where you cannot find at least a food store.

Think about the hotels’ restaurants. This is, probably, the best variant of modern and high quality food. All big cities are full of good restaurants. You may learn beforehand about where and what you want to eat. As a rule, you can taste your dinner in the hotel where you stay. Nevertheless, Iceland is a hospitable country. It is really interesting to travel by car all over the country. You can not only see exciting nature and architectural monuments, but learn Iceland from the deep.